Friday, April 22, 2011

New CMS payroll data is online

The 2011 update on what people earn in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools is online now. Look for a story in Sunday's Observer, as well as a blog report comparing the top 20 salaries in Wake and CMS.

We posted the first CMS payroll list in 2008, and have updated it every year since (updates to the city and county databases are coming, too). It was hugely controversial at first, and I know some educators still believe this violates their privacy. I feel for them, but my sense is that most people now see this as valuable public information. These days I get more queries seeking payroll data for public schools in surrounding counties than questions about why we publish CMS salaries.

Some readers have chafed at the limits of the online database. If you'd like the Excel version, email me at with "spreadsheet" in the header. Be patient, please; I won't get to this until Monday.


Anonymous said...

It's kind of revealing to click on the departments, for example Accountability, and see the list of salaries for individuals or Human Resources for that matter, and know that we are cutting so many teacher level positions. If the public is not outraged already - they should be. I didn't realize there was as much bloat as there is. I am so disgusted with your performance now Dr. Gorman.

Tell me ...what will be the Pay for Performance for all of the above listed positions? Everyday more and more information gets published about the inner workings of CMS, the more sleazy you become in my eyes. I deal with you on a regular basis and I don't even think I can look at you with any level of respect, much less shake your hand again. You have built and/or perpetuated a system of all highly paid managers and you are building a system to get rid of the rank and file ....and telling them (the front line teachers) it's their fault???? The slick veneer is gone buddy.

And who pays the 90K + salary for a Broad Fellow?

Anonymous said...

$185K for a temporary Broad Fellow and the explainer of PFP= 6 new teachers. Enough said.

Anonymous said...

it needs to be made known that these listed salaries include any extra work teachers do for CMS such as SES tutoring, extended employment, etc.

Anonymous said...

Of course they need a Broad Fellow to work with the Broad trained Superintendent, Chief Academic Officer and Chief of Accountability. See the writing on the walls -- this group is stacking the Urban School Boards -- what is their background?

Anonymous said...

Some titles in that Database our not correct. The Custodial Manager was recently promoted to a Director, but the Database has him listed as a Manager $83k. How can a Custodial Manager make more than the Safety Director or EHS Manager?

Anonymous said...

It is interesting that the Observer insists on publishing these salaries, yet all teacher salaries have been frozen for three years. Publish away...all it does is prove that teachers are working for less and less each year while administration continues to make top dollars!

Anonymous said...

@ 11:33

Yeah, I find it completely offensive that administrative assistants make 48,000 / year - while that is near the top of the teacher pay scale. Teachers - secretaries are valued more than you.

Anonymous said...

Over 72K for a kindergarten teacher? I used to think teachers didn't get paid enough. I thought a K-3 teacher would only get around 30K a year. This is rediculous imo. And they only work 9 moths. So we're lookking at more like 100K per year. To teach kids 1+1 = 2? I used to fight for teachers. I see no reason to fight for them anymore after seeing this. you guys are on your own.

Anonymous said...

what is a broad fellow??

Anonymous said...

People are making really stupid comments about teacher pay - some just blatantly wrong. Teachers work 10 months - some work summer school - and many work tutoring after school - for those "large" salaries referenced above. The idea that a national certified teacher with a master's degree who probably tutors and works year-round with more than 20 years experience makes more than $60K - isn't that a good thing? Wow, Charlotte is full of whiners.

Ann Doss Helms said...

A Broad Fellow is an administrator placed by the Broad Foundation to work in urban districts; the foundation pays their salary.

Anonymous said...

@ 11:52

If you're that detached from reality, teachers probably don't need your support.

Anonymous said...

The idea that a national certified teacher with a master's degree who probably tutors and works year-round with more than 20 years experience makes more than $60K - isn't that a good thing?

No, it is NOT a good thing if they are using this individual to teach kindergarten kids 1+1=2. I've been in my profession for 21 years. I did NOT get raises due to the amount of YEARS I had. But from what I learned and was able to APPLY to my job. Which gave me more complicated jobs. I have no problem with people moving UP. But for 1 human to make 3 times another, doing the EXACT same thing, and the ONLY difference is they tought 1+1=2 10 years longer does not justify a salary of 3 times MORE. No matter how you slice it.

Anonymous said...

Also, people have the "RIGHT" to whine, if it is THERE money.

Anonymous said...

reality is something that is real. A K-3 teacher getting paid 72- 80k a year is REAL. What reality are you living in?

Anonymous said...

... to Anonymous at 1:56pm....
Perhaps you were taught about possessive nouns in Elementary school by someone with no experience or a low salary. (Or maybe you just didn't care or pay attention?)

This is only a guess in light of your improper use of "THERE" (which should have been "THEIR").

Oh, and be happy with your "right" to complain about my correcting your improper use of the English language.

Anonymous said...

Wow, more dumb comments. It's "there" money? I hope the teachers making $70K didn't teach you to spell.
Maybe you need to hire one of those overpaid teacchers to tutor you...

Wiley Coyote said...

Anon 2:57...

Feel free to join the class - "teacchers"?

People who live in glass houses shouldn't cast stones....

Anonymous said...

Teacher’s salaries have gotten much lower than last years. Now only principals are at the $100k mark. Pete Gorman removed all top earning teachers from the payroll while paying higher salaries to his Administrative staff. With the removal of those teacher’s salaries went experience, dedication, and knowledge that can not be replaced for years. That kindergarten teacher that makes $70k for the number of years she has dedicated to the system is being out right cheated! CMS was ranked according to teacher’s pay #26 in 2008 ,then ranked #36 in 2009. If Gorman gets his PFP passed to control teachers earnings, our ranking and quality of education in Charlotte will drop even lower.

CMSTeacher said...

Depending on where that secretary works, sometimes they ARE more valued than us. At my school the head office secretary, our financial secretary, and our registrar are the brains behind the operation. We would be nowhere without their "front office" skills. However, I do not think they are paid $40,000+ I know the head secretary only makes in the $20,000s range, which is criminal. Show the love for the front office people who are the face of your school and keep it running!!!

CMSTeacher said...

Ha, there wasn't much of a need to post teacher salaries since we haven't gotten a raise in 3 years...

Anonymous said...

Okay, I first felt like I was going to vomit but fainted instead. Work 9 months, make state benefits, have great retirement benefits and make 75-80K to produce mediocre citizens. They need to work in small business -- which keeps America's economy running -- and get a taste of reality.

Anonymous said...

Most don't make 70, but thirty and they are working part-time in small businesses anyway. Take your potshots at the the two worst banks for customer service in the country and call Pete in the morning to alleviate the top-heavy salaries.

Anonymous said...

Makes me angry to see that my son's high school math teacher, who works very hard and is a great teacher, makes $35,000 a year. How can a person survive on that salary? What would make a person go to college and teach complicated math and science to high school students for that insulting salary?

Anonymous said...

11:52-- You're a moron. Did you actually look at the salaries, or did you have trouble seeing past the one salary of someone who makes that much?

Thank goodness for you 9:52. Please--- tell your child's teacher that. It means more to us than you know.

CMS teacher said...

You could write a side note explaining that the salaries have been frozen for 3 years. With 5 years of experience, I make the same money as any first year teacher.

Anonymous said...

these salaries are RIDICULOUS it is time for gorman to either go or a nice big pay cot. everyone of these administrative jobs and upper echlon need to get off their gravy traIN THEY LIVE ON IN THIS SCHOOL SYSTEM....all gorman cares about him and his friends with jobs in this school system

Pamela Grundy said...

Contrary to what some people think, K-2 teachers do the hardest and most important work in the system. Many studies show that children who aren't reading well by third grade have dramatically lower chances of graduating from high school or doing well in life. And there's a lot more to teaching reading and math than drilling facts like 1+1. Doing it well takes both skill and experience. There's a reason why Teach for America teachers are generally more successful in upper grades than lower ones. Our top K-2 teachers are worth every penny they make.

Anonymous said...

Something is wrong when a bus driver is making more ($23,000) than an EC assistant ($20,500)...

Anonymous said...

11:35, let's not get all mushy about school system buzz words like, "Quality Education for Our Precious Children." An example: most Asian kids are sitting in the same classrooms and doing better because they have committed parents at home engaging them. I don't want 70K of taxpayer money going to a babysitter with a lame teaching certificate. We all know what it takes to get that. Many private sector people have the same education, real world experience, a lot more pressure and get paid less. Gorman should be fired for these obscene salaries.

Anonymous said...

So sick of teachers complaining about 20 screaming kids and grading 20 papers in the evening. Cry me a river, boo hoo! Try twenty screaming clients who have real money tied into projects you are doing, then leaving for a second job in the evening. Try no vacations, out of pocket health premiums, and zero retirement benefits. As always, academics live in a different reality (i.e. fantasy).

Anonymous said...

I have never lived in a community that disrespected and devalued its teachers as much as Charlotte does. Congratulations, you teacher haters are welcome to the future city you inherit. Which is why I am leaving and taking all my years of experience, intelligence, empathy for children, diverse teaching methods and academic credentials with me. Good luck replacing what I know and do with the cheap imitations that will take my place. Good luck to the future Charlotte children who are expected to learn in this downtrodden environment called CMS.

Anonymous said...

Oh, 2:34, now don't you go gettin all offended and quittin on us. We ain't serious. Just don't want nobody gettin hit in the back of the head with them 3-month vacations and state benefits package on the way out of Mayberry. Y'all take care now.

Anonymous said...

So do many of the teaching assistants and half-timers 12:53. I hope you can feel sorry for those fine bankers, brokers, and real estate developers that have milked the community for all these years. The twin towers of money changers and chargers downtown seem to do quite well dumping their employees and sending bonuses to the upper echelon. At least you understand Pete needs to go.

Anonymous said...

"...$35,000 a year. How can a person survive on that salary? "

A lot of people survive on that or less. Teachers deserve to be well-paid, and so do others.

Anonymous said...

Most people in here complaining about salaries are just jealous because they are too stupid to get a decent job. If you take the same cross-section of any employment base in the private sector with the same educational background, I guarantee you get the same range of pay. Why should teachers not make a decent living? I get so annoyed when people assume that folks who work in the public sector deserve less just because it is taxpayer money.

payroll said...

Payroll data needs to be secure. When your business started, you probably gave no second thought to entering payroll data for employees.

payroll said...

Payroll refer to the total amount of money paid to these employees on a regular basis.The software plays an important role in society to get rid of the workload.

payroll said...

Payroll is the total sum of money to be paid to employees at a given time. It also includes the list of employee's names and the amount of their salaries or wages.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Why does cms always wait until the last of the month to send out w-2 forms for the employees? What benefit is it to them? Other businesses give w-2's out beginning the second week of January and they are much bigger than cms. I think they just like the fact that they have something the employees want and need and they know that they control this so it's like,"Yeah we know you want them but guess what we don't want you to have them until we decide you'll get them.". That's so sad.

Anonymous said...

Teachers aren't the only ones who have had their pay frozen. Every employee except those at the top haven't had a raise in at least four years. Everything else goes up so that means they are actually making less money than when they started. CMS really does care(not).

JennCpYd said...

reality is something that is real. A K-3 teacher getting paid 72- 80k a year is REAL. What reality are you living in?

JohnXLWy said...

it needs to be made known that these listed salaries include any extra work teachers do for CMS such as SES tutoring, extended employment, etc.