Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Want to interview Heath Morrison?

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools is seeking questions for the superintendent via the district's Facebook page. Selected questions will be featured in this weekend's  "Facebook Edition"  of InSight, Superintendent Heath Morrison's monthly broadcast on CMS-TV.


Post your question by 5 p.m. Thursday and it might be selected for the show that airs at 7 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.  There's already a question about school security from Stephanie Moore-Rice:  "How easy is it for someone to just walk in a school during the day,  and how fast can someone stop an unrecognized guest?"

Coretta Wilson,  an Alexander Graham Middle School teacher who used to be a WCNC anchor,  interviews Morrison on InSight.  On the last Facebook episode,  he took a question from Kandace Mitchell,  a Chantilly Montessori parent,  about creating more year-round schools and one from Amy Rinehart Rosenhour about changing high school start times.  You can watch it here --  or if you want something shorter than the four-minute clip,  Morrison says he'd like to have more calendar flexibility but that's up to the state.  And he says the district will  "continue to look into" changing school hours,  but notes that there are a range of parent views and a  "delicate balance"  involved in making changes.


Anonymous said...

How will CMS engage mastery-focused action plans through the experiential based learning process?

Anonymous said...

So he is going to didge the bell schedule questions up front it seems? This guy is just hot air so I will spend my time watching paint dry. He should really spend his time doing something in the schools rather than blowing smoke on TV. Kind of reminds me of somebody PETER GORMAN just a little shorter. Boy o boy who is next for that job?

Anonymous said...

Nah, he'll just lobby for support to bonds by saying all the right things about changing the bell schedules. Then suddenly there will be a "problem" that will mean they must keep the bell schedules as-is. Pete was slick; re Pete is not.

Unknown said...

Here's a question, when is CMS going to actually hire a REAL HR professional with a background in public sector work as the Chief HR Officer? Instead of continuing to selected academic administrators to perform a business function they knew very little about but are expected to have executive level HR knowledge.

Anonymous said...

I think this tactic comes from chapter 8 section 7 page 99 of the latest edition of the Broad manual. The CMS leader needs to make necessary changes and become a leader with a stamp of his own. We as tax payers and parents are sick and tired of PR campaigns and studies by CMS leaders by their pals. Make educated decisions and live by them. This happens daily in the real world of business so please enter that world sometime. Keith W. Hurley

Anonymous said...

My question:

Dr. Morrison, If it were up to you, what time would you start CMS High schools?

Anonymous said...

8:18- CMS PR folks won't let him answer that question. Heath himself will make excuses and reasons not to answer that. Question. I asked him myself 2 weeks ago and got a blank stare. No guts no glory!

Anonymous said...

Empty suit.
Is this the best CMS BOE could hire?

Anonymous said...

Question: Why does a high quality teacher with 5 years experience make less than a poor quality teacher with 20 years experience?

Anonymous said...

Heath, can you post a link of actual educational research correlating the Personal Education Plan (PEP) with verifiable data (not subjective opinion) showing improved student achievement?

Anonymous said...

Sept. 25 @ 9;44pm: your question is key.

Mamma Mia said...

Heath, Why the push for our young children (elementary ages) to bring Iphones and Ipads to school with the BYOT program?

Most parents that I know think this is ridiculous, and even irresponsible of CMS. It does not give them an "advantage" over children in other countries. Why not focus on real learning in elementary school, and leave the devices for MS and HS, where their use is more appropriate? Our children are becoming ever more adept at scanning and skimming, cutting and pasting, playing games but they are losing their capacity for real thinking, concentration, contemplation, and reflection, and ultimately cultivating personal relationships.

Anonymous said...

To Heath, (via mamma mia 9;26) AMEN! We have arrived at a new place in which electronic interfaces receive most of our attention to the detriment of real interpersonal communication, empathy and real thinking and learning. Parents and CMS officials need to wake up.